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Golf / Tennis Daily Experience

Combine holistic therapies with golf or tennis for your ideal daily activity.


Start your day with a Thai/Yoga Stretch followed by either Tennis or Golf  followed by a relaxing Reflexology treatment.

Tennis Daily Experience


I have 45 years  experience in playing tennis and witnessed the incredible change over the past 50 years. You can choosea coaching session  or a warm up and a match depending on your wishes.

My approach to the game...draw an imaginary line to where your target is. Stand 45 degrees to the line. RH Players keep right arm straight and hit the ball with the right wrist on the forehand and the left wrist on the backhand. The clubhead follows the imaginary line.The further in frount of you you hit the ball the more spin and therefore control you have.

Loosen up at first with a Thai/Yoga stretch, play 2 sessions of tennis and relax and recover thereafter with a Meridian Therapy based Reflexology therapy .

9:30am - 10:45am                   Thai/Yoga Stretch & Reflexology {Zone Therapy)

11:00am - 12:30pm                  Play and/or Coach Tennis

1:00pm - 2:00pm                     Play and/or Coach Tennis

2:15pm - 3:30pm                      Reflexology {Meridian Therapy)


£180.00                  Kent

£210.00                  Surrey / Essex

£250.00                  London

Golf Daily Experience


I am a 4 handicap and can show you many tips, tricks and tweaks with your swing. 


My approach to the game... I have one thought in my head. Club Head Speed. Maintain my height through the swing. Take the club back along a straight line and hit the ball with my hands first and only then does the right hip follow the ball. 

Loosen up at first with a Thai/Yoga stretch, play 18 holes or 9 holes and a driving range session and relax and recover thereafter with a Meridian Therapy based Reflexology therapy .

9:30am - 10:45am                   Thai/Yoga Stretch & Reflexology {Zone Therapy)

11:00am - 3:00pm                    Play 18holes or 9 holes and a range session

3:15pm - 4:30                            Reflexology {Meridian Therapy)


£180.00                  Kent

£210.00                  Surrey / Essex

£250.00                  London


Brendan Felton

Please Contact:

UK - +44(0)7999320078

Portugal - +351(0)961706913

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